Thursday, 4 January 2007

My Story, Part VI

I was very emotionally rattled and stirred up by this little incident. I guess it always takes you by surprise when a child manages to seemingly be perceptive beyond their years.

Initially I tried to pay no attention to the whole business. After all, I had done that fairly effectively before. Nevertheless, it quietly ate away at me.

I found myself becoming upset for no real reason, and feeling sad if I had nothing to occupy myself with. I'm not a naturally morose or pessimistic character, but that was what I was turning into.

I steeled myself for talking to my mother about it. Having asked her about it when I was twelve, I knew some of the details. Not the most important one though - his name.

We went to visit my parents for the weekend. This would be the ideal time to speak to her.

While we were there, we were watching TV and the programme Who Do You Think You Are? was on, featuring Bill Oddie. He is famous for being one of the Goodies but is better known now for his nature programmes. be continued...

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